Covid19 (corona virus) Outbreak in the world ! what precaution should be taken to avoid infection . How to increase the immune system of Human body . some natural tips for improving immune system of human body . effect of corona on world economy. Effect of corona on human daily life and human psychology. Confidential detail of corona virus.
the corona virus outbreak starts from wuhan city of china this virus is a chinese virus the origin of this corona virus is bat according to the scientist and some biological studies so covid 19 is human disease that speared when a infected human is come in contact with normal human this virus transfer from on person to another person.
This WHO (world health organisation ) is start searching for the vaccine for covid19 but this virus is speared world wide so the vaccine is required some time to prepare the vaccine due to this covid outbreak the economy of every country crashing day by day every country affected by this corona virus get start lockdown the country so to stop the spreading of virus and to slow down the infection that help the country fight against corona .
The country are in lock down so the economy of the country is affected the people like labor and daily wage earner are affected by this lock down situation so this people are traveling towards villages so when the lock down open cities don't have the labor for constructing the building so the job less people start avoiding buying new product they reduce their daily expenses this millions of people reduces their daily expenses the loss is in Billions so the loss start increasing day by day this the demand of product reduces so the demand get reduces this the production company reduces the production because the demand is no more .
This economy crash affect the people daily life style so world go towards big inflation so now in the world the numbers of corona patient is increases it take more than 2 years to get the vaccine for corona. What we can do to fight against the corona virus so we just have to do following measure
- Wash your hand after caughing or sneezing .
- Wash your hand after handling animal or animal waste
- Wash your hand before eating
- Sanitize hand regularly
- Wear face mask
Next step against corona is our immune system so we have to increase it by following process
- Eat fruits like apple,oranges, papaya, almond
- Drink daily turmeric milk (golden milk) this help to increase the immunity
- Daily sit in the morning sun light this kills the unwanted bacteria

Nice blog