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What is Artificial intelligence ? How it works ?

Artificial Intelligence 
Artificial intelligence (AI) is wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches, but advancements in machine learning and deep learning are creating a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry. 

How Artificial intelligence work ? 
  1. Thinking humanly
  2. Thinking rationally
  3. Acting humanly 
  4. Acting rationally
"AI is a computer system able to perform tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence... Many of these artificial intelligence systems are powered by machine learning, some of them are powered by deep learning and some of them are powered by very boring things like rules." 
AI is any thing that makes machines act more intelligently. That is teaching the Machines to learn, act and think as humans would and it's about analyzing images and videos about National Language Processing and understanding speech i.e in most rational behavior (a machine should behave in the best possible manner). So what is an intelligent way? Well, that mimics human intelligence but I think another word that describes artificial intelligence more accurately today is machine learning . Al is the application of computing to solve problems in an intelligent way using algorithm . AI algorithms that learn by examples are the reason we can talk to Alexa , siri , google assistant & they can talk back to us.


Weak or Narrow AI is AI that is applied to specific domain .Forex. -language translator, virtual assistant,self driving cars,AI-powered web searches, recommendation engines, and intelligent spam filter . Applied AI can perform specific tasks, but not learn new ones, making decisions based on programmed algorithms,& training data.
Strong AI or Generalized AI is AI that can interact and operate a wide variety of independent and unrelated tasks. Its can learn new tasks to solve new problems,& it does this by teaching itself new strategies.Generalized intelligence is the combination of many AI strategies that learn from experience and can perform at the human level of intelligence.
Super AI or Conscious AI is AI with human-level consciousness, which would require it do be self aware. Because we are not yet able to adequately define what consciousness is,it is unlikely that we will be able to create a conscious AI in the near future.

AI components are embedded in numerous device e.g. copy machines. AI system are in everyday use

1. Detecting credit card fraud. 
2.Configuring product. 
3. Aiding complex planning tasks.

1.Agricultural industry:-AI has been helping farmers in collecting and analyzing farm data. 
2.Automobile industry:-Tesla smart cars have AI monitoring,AI smart cars or sensors, detecting,preventing& predicting any dangerous of problem in there vehicle. The also have assistant driving God .AI acting as copilot and driver less cars are soon coming up.
 3.Shopping industry:-AI keep track of all your data,like your past purchase,your shopping style and recommended trends.
4.Home automation:-AI integrated with IOT is being used for enhanced security, personal assistant tasks for us as setting up reminders or room temperature etc.
5.Education industry:-Many education Institutes applies AI to make learning more comfortable, customised learning material.
6.Navigation industry:- Tells traffic in specific area.
What's easy and what's hard?

 ●It has easier to mechanize many of high level. Usually associate with" intelligence" in people.Like symbolic integration ,medical diagnosis,playing chess,medical diagnosis. 
●It has been very hard mechanize tasks that lots of animals can do.Like walking around without running into things,catching prey&avoiding predators,interpreting complex sensory information, modeling the initial states of other animals from their behavior.

So artificial intelligence is a very good platform to plugged into for advancement of this digital world will continue to change the world of work ,and workers will need to engage in life long learning & developing skills.

Artificial Intelligence Project Ideas for Beginners

1. Handwritten Digits Recognition

AI Project Idea – Digits written by humans vary a lot in curves and sizes as they are hand-drawn and everyone’s writing is not the same. It is a great way to start artificial intelligence by building a handwritten digits recognition system that can identify the digit drawn by humans.

2. Lane Line Detection

AI Project Idea Lane line detection technique is used in many self-driving autonomous vehicles as well as line-following robots. We can use computer vision techniques such as color threshold to detect the lanes.Detecting lane lines is a fundamental task for autonomous vehicles while driving on the road. It is the building block to other path planning and control actions like breaking and steering. Lets get started implementing them!

3. Spoiler Blocker Extension

AI Project Idea When a good movie or show comes, people always spoil the fun of others by spoiling it. We can create a browser extension that will block out all the mentions of your favourite show that you don’t want to get spoiled. You can replace the mentions with a cute picture of cats.

4. Spam Classifier

AI Project Idea – Every day we get dozens of email notifications and most of them are spam. Build a tool which can classify the emails as spam or non-spam based on the content of the email alone.

5. Optimal Path

AI Project Idea – One of the challenging tasks of AI is to find the optimal path from one place to the destination place. The project idea is to find the optimal path for a vehicle to travel so that cost and time can be minimized. This is a business problem that needs solutions

Intermediate Artificial Intelligence Project Ideas

1. Artificial Intelligence in Pneumonia Detection

AI Project Idea – Doctors use Chest X-rays to detect Pneumonia and we can build an artificial intelligence system that is capable of identifying the infection in patients’ X-ray images. For this purpose, we will use the Convolutional Neural networks to build the AI system.

2. Game of Chess

AI Project Idea – The game of chess is very popular and for a better experience of this game we must implement a good artificial intelligence system that can give competition to humans and make the game of chess a challenging task.

3. Fire Detection and Localization Using Surveillance Camera

AI Project Idea – CNN has become the state of the art in image classification and computer vision-related tasks. We can improve the fire detection system through surveillance cameras by building a model that can not only detect the fire but also the location of the fire to provide effective detection and reporting system for the safety of people.

4. Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining

AI Project Idea – A website evaluation system where users can comment on a particular website about the genuineness, time taken to deliver products, etc. It will analyze the comments to rate the website on these factors.

5. T-rex Dino Bot

AI Project Idea – The Dino is a famous google chrome game that we can play when the internet connection is off. It is a good game to implement reinforcement-learning and understand how it works. We can build an algorithm for the bot that will learn itself by making mistakes.

6. Next word predictor

AI Project Idea – When you type a message your phone can automatically predict the next word you want to type. We can build an artificial intelligence model that can predict the next word that is most likely to come. To implement this you need to have knowledge about Natural language processing and deep learning.

7. Chatbot using AIML

AI Project Idea – Chatbots are widely used in the industry level where every company requires a chatbot to automate some of the customer interaction processes. AIML is an Artificial Intelligence Markup Language that is used for building chatbots.

Advanced Artificial Intelligence Project Ideas

1. Fake Product Review Monitoring System

AI Project Idea – A big problem on the internet is that companies post fake reviews to sell their products or to disturb their competitors. A user has no idea if a product review is fake or genuine. To solve this problem we can build a system that can track the IP addresses and use opinion mining to find out the fake reviews.

2. Learn to Drive with Reinforcement Learning

AI Project Idea- Build a path for cars with obstacles on the race-course. The objective of the car(agent) is to learn how to drive by avoiding the obstacles. The concept of reinforcement learning would be used in this project.

3. Automatic Attendance System

AI Project Idea – In schools and colleges, a lot of time is wasted in taking the attendance of the students. The idea of the project is to automate the attendance system by using a camera that automatically recognizes the faces and marks the attendance of the people.

4. Price Negotiator Ecommerce Chatbot System

AI Project Idea – A chatbot system that can negotiate the price of the products. Many eCommerce companies are researching on this project as it has a lot of scope in business. The chatbot should be able to communicate with users and handle the bargaining of customers just like in the real world.

5. AI Bot to Play Snake Game

AI Project Idea – Many games need to implement an artificial bot that can compete with humans. In this project, you can start by building a bot that can learn to play the snake game. This project is great to dive into genetic algorithms and understand how a machine can evolve understanding with generations.

6. Self-Driving Car

AI Project Idea – A self-driving car is a huge project that involves a lot of sensors and cameras to obtain information of the surroundings. Then the information needs to be processed and effective decisions should be made.

7. Music Recommendation App

AI Project Idea – The Spotify app is a great music streaming platform that knows exactly what type of music they like. You can learn to build a model that will analyze the users’ music tastes and will recommend new music to them based on their interests.


So now you have so many interesting Artificial Intelligence Project Ideas to try your hands on. These projects will help you to whet your skills in AI. Also, these projects will not only ensure that you’re on the path of becoming an expert in AI but will also make you industry-ready.

Anyone can practice these really cool artificial intelligence projects whether you’re a beginner or you’re already working in the AI field.

I hope this article was helpful to you. If you like Data Flair's artificial intelligence project ideas, then give us 5 stars on Google.

Happy Learning😃


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