Top 10 most addictive mobile Games . By Ashar Khan Hello everyone play mobile games is good. If excessive use of playing make affect human health. For example it affects human eyes ,neck and the most important part is our Brain is affected by this . So this mobile Games reduce the outdoor games like Football, Cricket,Hokey and volleyball etc .this increase in using Mobile game reduces the interest towards other things also like in studies and they are wasting their time and Money by this action. Top played highly addicted Games . Following are the list. 1. PUBG . PUBG stands for Player Unknown Battleground .This is so violent game there are so many side effect of this game on players. This is so Good game i tried it and i found out that its so much aggresive game play . So there are 100 player drop from an Airplane on an island . Then they have to fight with each other and kill each other so the last one is who survived is the winner . Then he get t...
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